Sunday, June 21, 2009
6/21/2009 05:19:00 PM
Hey people!!!
Im now at genting cyberworld. But going to no time le. LOL. Ltr going to celebrate father's dae. Sort of bored at genting uh. Bored but fun. im weird!!! LOL. School is gona re-open real soooooon. And i haven even done finish any of the homework. And for the following day, i think i will be busy. I maybe 26-28 june gona go CRUISE!!! Woots. I kinda miss school yeah, not the homework. But my fellow friends and classmates :D But i would rather CAMPS CAMPS & EVEN MORE CAMPS!!!! LOL!!! I tomorrow going back to SINGAPORE LE. I think is around 7 reach bah. Thn gona have dinner at T3 [again -.-"] Hiax.... But when go home, back to the boring life. And right, my dad allows me to join guitar. LOL Gona join with arynna and ying ning. HEHE. Well, shall end the post. BYEBYE!!! Friday, June 19, 2009
6/19/2009 03:58:00 PM
Ltr tuition........ Sian larh.. But nvm. Tomorrow going to GENTING LE. HEHE Maybe u would see me online uh. If i feel like using comp yeah... Gona go Genting from tomorrow till mondae night. Thn tuesdae, need to go to hospital-.-" Coz next dae biopsy. Damn larh. Dont noe whether thursdae can go for the class outing onot. Coz of my @!$#%^& hand. Haix....... What to do?!?!?!? Cant do anything los. Shall jux end the post here, and go ply XDO. WAHAHAHA bbbyeyeyeyebeyebyey Thursday, June 18, 2009
6/18/2009 04:16:00 PM
I'm back from camp. And i dowana be back from camp!!! LOL!!! Love my group, love the camp(: My grup name is AIDS!! WAHAHAHA!!! Fun sia!! Leader, Matin Members: ME!!!,Michelle, Razana, Jeslene,Wei Han, Sean, Qi Kuang. THE GROUP WAS DAMN DOPE!!! lol. Lazy to post on wad we did on during the camp... LOL Ok... i think i'll end here..... Bb Sunday, June 14, 2009
6/14/2009 12:28:00 PM
Supp yo!!!
IM BACK FROM CHALET. MISS ME?!?! HAHA. Well, fridae, went there. Was bored >.> Thn at night, went to watch my sis friends dance concert. The hip-hop and the break dancing part was the DOPE!!! LOL. onli enjoyed thoes two... The rest was BORED!!! Aft tht, 3 of my sis friend went back to the chalet with us. They talked played. Thn my sis and 1 of her friend slept already. So me and her 2 other friends decided to walk to bukit gombak mrt. And it was like already 2 or 3 plus in the morning. LOL AS the chalet was at bukit batok avenue 7. Hometeam adventure centre. So walked there, without any single cents. Walked back again. Took some $$$ Thn cabbed to west mall there. Kept slacking at MAC Went 7 Eleven to buy tooth brush and tooth paste. Thn walked to bus-stop to see wad time the first bus come. The first bus was at 5 30 am!!! So when to MAC and bought sth to eat and SLACK!!! Till 5 30am Walked to bus-stop, waited for awhile. And bussed back. When back, played STRESS!!! DAMN FUN MAN. Played stress & dai di. Till like 8. Woke my sis up. Thn they go SPH... So left me, alone. Coz my bro and his friends went to ride bicyle at east coast. Thn i at chalet. Slept. Was sleeping veri soundly until my mom called me at 10 plus am. She told me to go down to take sth for the bbq thing. Thn was damn pissed. Went down, i dont even hav to take a single thing larh. Zzz... So went up, thn sleep again. Thn 2 plus pm, the satay person called and say tht he already reached. So went down. And when he says it was $82.30, i was like. SHIT, DAMN!!! I FORGOTTEN TO BRING THE MONEY DOWN!!! So went back to the room, took money and gave to the person. The satat and gravy was kinda heavy.... And the pathetic me, had to carry up all by myself... Thn when go up liao, dowan sleep already. Brushed teeth, bathed. Then like 3 plus. Sis came back with her friends. And i finally got my lunch man!!! So yeah, at night, was bbq(: Quite fun uh. haha Then [forward]............................... When up room, ppl playing mahjong. Sian larh. I also feel like playing,. HAHA So like 2 plus am, slept. Till like 8 or 9 plus. THE END~!! The chalet jux end up like this. LOL So well, MY WATCH!!! GOT A PROB IN IT!!! I dont noe whether is codensation in it or wad. DAMN. Haix.... Nvm.......... So tomorrow, SL camp. Hope it will be fun yeah (: Packed my bag already. And it looks quite big. Coz the sleeping bag >.> Haix.... Well, shall end here, got tuition at 1pm. Sian larh. I think i will be sleeping during tuition time. LOL KK. Bye yeah~!!! Thursday, June 11, 2009
6/11/2009 11:26:00 PM
Tomorrow gona hav CHALET!!!! 3D2N Thn SL camp 3D2N So cool yeah 6 days in the row!!! Aft this 2 days, come home rest for 1 day, thn go camp!! Wahahah!!! LOVEIT!! LOL!!! Now, i shall do the quiz which ying ning had done in facebook (: 1) happiest moment of 2008? P6 bintan camp, graduation ceremony and lots more<3 2) What did you wake up to this morning? 6a.m. plus 3) Who were you with last night? Sis, Dad, Mom, and parents' friend. 4) Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Depends. (: 5) When is the last time you saw your crush?Dont noe. LOL 6) Who can you tell anything to? Arynna, Ying ning, Jed 7) Do you know anyone named Peter? No :D 8) Who is your last phone call with? Ying ning. 9) that’s the last thing you said/typed. Ying ning 10) How’s life? Sometimes sucky, most of the time bored. sometime FUN 11) Last time you cried? Mondae or Tuesdae 12) Why? sth... 13) Have you ever thrown up? Yes. 14) Where was the first kiss you had with the last person you kissed? Opp school. MAMA shop 15) Do you love anyone who’s name starts with an J? Yeah 16) Are you happy? Depends. 17) Are you excited about anything? YES!!! CHALET AND CAMP. and genting. 18) What makes you happy in life? Friends and my cousin (: 19) What were you doing at 3 in the morning? Trying to download the damn XDO. 20) Do you have any text messages on your phone? Yes. 21) Who are they from? ... 22) What do they say? ... 23) Do you enjoy life? SOMETIMES!!! 24) How long was the last relationship you were in? Forgotten. 25) Would you take a bullet for anyone? It depends 26) What are you listening to? Nth 27) Do you like it?...... 28) Have you ever took medicine that wasn’t prescribed to you? Yes. Panadol 29) Are you surprised about something? No. 30) Is there anyone who doesn’t like you? I've no idea. 31) Do you feel bad because someone doesn’t like you? Depends. 32) In your household who do you fight with the most?Sis or bro. 33) Do you like anyone? Sort of... 34) What’s the worst thing about hugs? Dont noe 36) Did you talk to anybody random yesterday? Yah 37) Did any particular thing brighten up your day yesterday? No. 38) What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done?Forgotten 39) If you could kiss anyone right now who would it be? :X 40) When was the last time you went ice skating? P5 or P6 42) Your team loses…are you watching the next game? Yeah. 43) Who was the last person you hugged? Nobodi. LOL 44) What was the last thing that made you smile? My sis stupidly talking to herself. LOL 45) Someone trips in front of you-what do you do? Not sure 46) Have you ever failed a class? Yes. 47) A person says they like you-you say: Oh. 48) Do you like cuddling? Yes. (: In blankets with the air-con on! :D 49) Are you close to your parents? Sometimes. 50) Do you go hunting? Depends 51) Your friend’s pregnant-you say: ?!?! SERIOUS!!! okay... 52) Do you plan on dressing up for Halloween next year? Dont noe 53) What is your favorite day of the week ?Days when i hav no tuition!!! 54) Do you have deja vu often? ? 55) Has your favorite color ever been pink or blue? Maybe blue. but noe pink. 56) Do you believe in true love? OF COURSE 57) How many hoodies do you own? Duno 58) Hows your heart? Normal 59) Where’d you get the shirt you’re wearing? My sis. chingay shirt 60) What time did you go to bed last night? 3 plus. 61) Are you cocky? No. 62) Do you make your bed daily? No. 63) Single or taken? Single. {: 64) Do you own slippers? Yeah. 65) Is there a TV in your bedroom? Nope. 66) Are you afraid of the dark? Sometimes when i start to think stupid thing 71) How was your day? BORED!!! END OF QUIZ!!! (: Next quiz!!! WHAT WAS YOUR: 1. Last beverage: Some weird smoothie 2. Last phone call: Mom 3. Last text message:Ying ning 4. Last song you listened to: Dont noe. 5. Last time you cried: Dont know HAVE YOU EVER: 6. Dated someone twice:Not sure 7. Been cheated on: No 8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Nope. 9. Lost someone special: Yes, it was so darn sad. 10. Been depressed: Yeah, a lot. But I recovered. 11. Been drunk and threw up: Nope LIST THREE FAVORITE COLOURS: 12. Lime Green 13. Sky blue 14. Red THIS YEAR HAVE YOU: (2009) 15. Made a new friend: Yes, of course. 16. Fallen out of love: Yeah. 17. Laughed until you cried: YEAH MAN. 18. Met someone who changed you: Yeah. 19. Found out who your true friends were: A bit. 20. Found out someone was talking about you: Dont noe 21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: Not sure 22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: Like about, Almost all of em 23. How many kids do you want to have: Three. 24. Do you have any pets: DOGS 25. Do you want to change your name: I'm satisfied with my name. 26. What did you do for your last birthday: Dinner... 27. What time did you wake up today: 6 am plus. 28. What were you doing at midnight last night: Trying to download XDO 29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: SL camp 30. Last time you saw your Mother: Few moments ago 31. One thing you wish you could change about your life: Hm... hope tht i hav more freedom? 32. What are you listening to right now: Nth 33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: No. 34. What's getting on your nerves right now: The Boredness!!!!! 35. Most visited webpage: Class blog, face book, my blog, arynna's blog, ying ning's blog 36. Whats your real name: Juliana 37. Nicknames: Dont noe. but ppl always call mi pig. :@ 38. Relationship Status: Single 39. Zodiac sign: Taurus 40. Male or female: Female 41. Elementary: Nanhua Primary School 42. Middle School: Tanglin School(Secondary) 43. High school/college: dont noe. 44. Hair colour: Brown. 45. Long or short: okok 46. Height: 158cm<--- i think so. >.> 47. Do you have a crush on someone: Yeah.. 48: What do you like about yourself: Dont noe. 49. Piercings: Ears. 50. Tattoos:---- 51. Righty or lefty: Right. FIRSTS : 52. First surgery: Operation. young tht time 53. First piercing: Earlobes 54. First best friend: Da hua or Kay. forgotten 55. First sport you joined: Tennis 56. First vacation: Either Malaysia 58. First pair of trainers: forgotten RIGHT NOW 59. Eating: Nth 60. Drinking: Nth 61. I'm about to: Ply XDO 62. Listening to: Nth 63. Waiting on: mother to sleep. so i dont hav to ply games secretly YOUR FUTURE : 64. Want kids: Of course. 65. Get Married: Depends. 66. Career: Dont noe WHICH IS BETTER : 67. Lips or eyes: Lips. 68. Hugs or kisses: Dont noe 69. Shorter or taller: dont noe. 70. Older or Younger: dont noe 71. Romantic or spontaneous: dont noe. 72. Nice stomach or nice arms: dont noe. 73. Sensitive or loud: Depends 74. Hook-up or relationship: .... 75. Trouble maker or hesitant: Dont noe HAVE YOU EVER : 76. Kissed a stranger: NO? 77. Drank hard liquor: ..... 78. Lost glasses/contacts: Perfect eyesight. 79. Sex on first date: Whore, slut, tranny. Haha OF COURSE NOT!!! 80. Broken someone's heart: Think I did. 82. Been arrested: NO. 83. Turned someone down: Yeah. 84. Cried when someone died: Of course. 85. Fallen for a friend: Yeah... DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 86. Yourself: Sometimes. 87. Miracles: Sometimes. 88. Love at first sight: Yeah. 89. Heaven: Of course. 90. Santa Claus: Nah. 91. Kiss on the first date: If I really know the girl/guy, I don't see why not. 92. Angels: Are all around you, me and god. ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: im not flirt okay!!! haha 95. Did you sing today?: nope. lips close. haha 96. Ever cheated on somebody?: no 97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: last year. the camp 98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: Forgotten 99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: You cant control your feeling!!! no use being afraid... 100. Posting this as 100 truths?: Nah. Finish!!! Shall go ply my game le. BB Sunday, June 7, 2009
6/07/2009 01:29:00 PM
Hey!!! haha.
Dint post yesterdae....... Wanted to post like aft midnight. But thn was busy plying games. Thn 2 plus, was damn tired. So dint post. Well, so yesterdae, Me and ying ning went to arynna house. Wanted to do homework there. But turned up plying comp for the whole dae at there. Wahahaha!!!! So yeah. Was damn crazy. Me and ying ning was like challenging the scores for the facebook game. Thn forgotten why suddenly start to kick, pinch each other. HAHAHA!!!!! So yeah. 7 30 left her house. When leaving her house, ying ning was damn sway. When walking to the door, she almost fell down. Thn she go open the door, and thn hit her forehead. LOL!!! Thn she was like, sth bad is gona happen. LOL. Thn when walking to the place where she wana buy chicken pie, she kept asking me. What if got kidnapper? Thn i was like. RELAX LA. Thn we played some music. When walking past the forest, she said. OMG. Thn i turned around to the forest. DAMN SCARY LARH. TOTAL BLACKNESS!!!! Thn i started running to the opp side of the road. HAHA. Thn ying ning still at tht side. Thn she ran here. LOL So yeah. .... She went to bought chicken pie. And i wated for her. So aft tht waited for 154. Came thn when reach my house the bus stop, obviously walk home lurh. Come home tht time, BORED!!&*%^$#@ :@ OK. Talk about todae, slept till my tuition teacher come. Thn had chi tuition -.-" As usual, dint really care bout the teacher....... Haix... Sian... tuesday got tuition. And tht one, the teacher ask mi to do 20 newspaper cutting!!! And learn the spelling. Shit nia. SIAN LIKE HELL. Shall stop here. (: Friday, June 5, 2009
6/05/2009 11:29:00 PM
Hey YO!!!
Sorry for not blogging for a long time yeah.... So freaking bored but then dont feel like blogging... Haix.... Lazy to sae what happen this few days. Coz nth reali happen larh. Sian.... ![]() ![]() For this, and the rest, the below one, were taken quite long ago... LOL> ok. Back to my life, BORED !!!! ^AS USUAL. Cant the boredness jux vanish? Sian.... Well, im also making my blog BORED!!!. Nvm... Might be having another class outing at sentosa.!! Woots~!!! HAHA. I dint realised about bossa ball until jes told mi about it. And it's totally cool la. Hoping tht sentosa would hav tht.... KK. Shall blog next time (: BYEBYE BYE |
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