Thursday, May 28, 2009
5/28/2009 03:27:00 PM
As you can see, the below images is me, shar and jes:D Red shirt= Jes Yellow= Shar Blue= Me And this, is todae, cleaning up the class room for meet-the-parents. So yeah, chris use the mop, and did this(: ![]() Well, got my SIM card yesterdae(: Wan my no.? Get from me!! :D Wanted to buy the headphone yesterdae. But couldn't find it )': Haix.... Yesterdae, dint blog, coz was so damn busy. Went to buy drinks this all for todae's party. Thn decorate the paper.... Haix... Still so bored with a phone. Someone msg me!!! Ah!!!!!! LOL. So well, todae. As usual. Did nth at home but play comp. Sian.... tomorrow no sch. But thn still hav to go see doctor. And thn got tuition in the afternoon. Thn at night gona go TSS for the achievers day(: WOOTS. LOL. Hmmm..... Shall stop blogging liao bah. BBBBBBBYYYYYYYEEEEEEE Labels: i got a sim card. Tuesday, May 26, 2009
5/26/2009 04:57:00 PM
Sry for not blogging yesterdae... Coz was damn tired when i come back. Yesterdae, during library, was like slacking. Me, jes, shar, marc, aliff, wayne, yan li, and i dont noe who, sat in a circle, played truth or dare. Thn aft tht, it was getting more bored. So, went to take a few pic. Thn aft tht, went to level 4 to do freeze and handstand with jes, shar and wayne. Took some pic also (: Pics will be posted most probably by tomorrow bah. Coz tomorrow, jes gona send mi all the photos (: So yeah. Thn aft tht, went to west coast plaza, went to meet alot of ppl. Ate subway, aft tht, go up. Thn duno why, da hua suddenly cry. It's like so random and shocking larh!!! Nvm. So aft she stop crying, went to bought cake. Thn, headed to west coast plaza. Da hua' friend go give us money to take cab. LOL. But in the end, we saved her money :D Me, arynna, citrine, citrine's friend, jed and jarryl Jed and jarryl ran to west coast park. While me and the rest left, walked there. So, went there, sang b'dae song, what come out next??!?! Obviously is cake fight. Finally im not involve larh. HEhe. So yeah, when jed and da hua, wanted to put cake on my face, i ran for my life. Thn jarryl damn fast larh, go hide liao. Thn nobodi can find jarryl. So, aft when we found him, da hua's friend, put cake on his face. LOL> But the grose thing is, da hua had to eat 1 piece of the cake. Which most of our dirty hands had touched it. Then she was force to eat larh. So, she ate 1 mouth. But thn dont noe wad happen, the cake dropped on the floor. Thn like this lorh........................ LOLS. So aft tht, went to climd the pyramid with jed. Coz arynna dowan. Coz she was wearing uniform mah. Aft climbing the pyramid, we went to ply the dont noe wad thing lah. Tht one is sit on it, thn ppl push u. So, mi and jed ply. thn push los. Thn soon, arynna and all came. And played even more siao. LOL> Thn ah, when i was sitting on it, in the middle of nowhere, arynna came, AND!!!!!!!! She held onto my legs, and lefted it up. THN!!!!!!!!! I fell down. So, sand was all over me. lol So aft awhile, went to MC donald. Went there, thn sit for awhile to enjoy th aircon (: Thn aft tht, went to the sea there, sit on the "rocks" this all. And watch the sunset<3 But onli me, arynna, jed and jarryl watched the sunset. Thn lay down, relax. Soon, like around 6, going to 7. We left. Walked to the bus stop. Thn GO HOME. Was feeling damn tired. Thn todae, woke up, TADA!!!!!! Muscleache. OUCH )': Okaye, nvm. Todae like nth much happen. So nth to talk about bah. But sian, tomorrow gona go NUH hospital for the stupid CT SCAN. But if tht totally will cure my hand, i will be grateful man(: Btw, IM SO GONA LOVE THIS JUNE HOLIDAE MAN!!!!!!! Most is all full with activities :D 3/06/09, wednesdae, might be going to sentosa to ply VB ^^ 12/06/09 --- 14/06/09, fri, sat, sun, gona have chalet at the bukit batok there (: 15/06/09 --- 17/06/09, mon, tue, wed, will be having SL CAMP<3 20/06/09 --- 22/06/09, sat, sun, mon, will be going genting :D So, will not be free on those days. Bet u gona miss me right? haha. jking. But im hoping to hav a class outing on the first week of the june holidae. And i wan a class tee <3 Hope of realli hav a class outing, i hope the 3/4 of the class will come. Or maybe even like onli 3 or 4 cant come Tht would be great. Coz i dont think tht the whole class could come. So yeah.... And, WOOT!!! Dad is gona buy me a SIM card this sun. He btr keep his promises larh. OKaye, shall stop posting. Bb MY CLASS, [H]-1N1 ROCKS!!!!!!! TO THE HARDCORE<3 WOAH!!!!!! UNITY IN STRENGTH(: Labels: UNITY IN STRENGTH Sunday, May 24, 2009
5/24/2009 08:55:00 PM
Few days dint blog liao. I nowadays damn lazy. Haix...... Dont noe why also -.-" Sian, actualli todae daddy sae he will bring mi go buy SIM card larh. But then in the end, sae todae he'll be coming back late. Then sae next week thn buy :@ Dont noe he will drag how long los. But if he next week buy, and if he really got buy, at least i can contact my friends (: OK, NVM. Get the SIM card first thn sae bah. Well, todae, did nth. As usual, had tuition, thn aft tuition. Went parents room, on the air-con, turn on the TV, and obviously lie down on the bed.. SO BORED LOS.... Brother using the laptop. Thn me?!?!? So pathetic nia. Infront of the televsion. Staring at it for the whole dae. HAIXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ): Life is jux 1 word= BORED!!! Forget it........... Let's talk about yesterdae. Went to watch movie, Night at the museum 2 With arynna, at jurong point. We wanted to watch the 7 10. Somore right, we left house at 6+ Thought tht we would be late, so cabbed there. THN!!!!!!!!! The queue was so damn long. In the end, bought the 8 40 show @!#$%$^ Somore is the 2nd row larh. Right infront of the screen. SO UNLUCKY#%$^&#%$ Shall go now. BBBBB I DOWAN A BORING LIFE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!! WHO CAN MAKE MY LIFE NOT BORING?!?!?!? URGH!!!! IM JUX DIEING INSIDE!!!!!!! Labels: wad a boring life. HIAX Thursday, May 21, 2009
5/21/2009 03:54:00 PM
LOL. Chinese the results, become 71 le. sian. I got calculation error. lol Then when teacher calculate tht time, is 71. From 74 become 71. sian. THn lit, i got 29/50. Geog, FAIL!!! THE ONLI SUB THT I FAILED!!! Which i had, 38/100!!! Pro uh. lol Were'nt tht sad. Coz i knew tht i would get 30+ liao. I left 37 marks blank and got 38 marks correct. lol Haix, todae, had D/V art. The room was locked. Waited for awhile. Someone came to open the door. Thn went go in tht time, it was damn hot sia. lol Thn aft awhile, mr lee came in and help us to on the air-con. hehe Thn aft tht was, chinese. BORED TO DEATH>!!! Aiyah, lazy to sae wad had happen to school todae liao. Coz nth had happen!! LOL> When im bored, im jux laming around. HAHA The childish act of me. lol Ok. Tomorrow, will hav P.E Not sure what are we gona do for pe sia. lol Ok, nth to post liao. BBBBBB Wednesday, May 20, 2009
5/20/2009 06:37:00 PM
Dint post for quite awhile.......
Coz is either my bro using the comp or i lazy post >.< Ok, well, jux now went to stadium to RUN!!! Ran with arynna. I jog like 3 rounds, thn started walking for 1 round. Then tried sprinting for 400m. But my stamina suck man. LOL. Thn, rest awhile, sprint for 100m (: 100m i can sprint but not 400 !!! URGH!!!!!! Wana train my stamina sia. SIAN>>> THen after tht, went to tanglin, thn, walked home with arynna. SO now, she is at my house. LOL So yesterdae, was marking dae. Dint go school (: Around 3 plus, went to nhps. But thn the security sae cannot go in coz got marking dae -.-" So went to mama shop there. Went to eat, play and slack. Went nhps with arynna, ying ning, weaven. Thn when go mama, amanda came with us. So slack till like around 6 plus. Went home. Mondae, was abdillah b'dae. HAHA.. Was quite fun sia. When we finish singing the b'dae song, we started sprying the cream all over him. Then is like his face, hair, shirt this all also got. LOL> And the floor is damn slippery. Slipped like a few times. lol Thn dont noe what happen, i started splashing the dirty water at guo qiang. Thn he wanted to take the pail. But guess wad, he fell down. HAHAHA. Ok, thn sundae, aft tuition, went IMM with, Shar, jes, ian, jeff. Went to buy b'dae cake for abdillah, and bought cream. LOL. SIAN> Nth to post le. Hope my blog wont be so died larh. TAG MORE!!!!!!!!! LOL. Oh, and btw. I scored 89 for math!!! 74 for chinese. 65 for eng. And, 50 for science. AT least still past uh. lol OK, even though exams are over, But im still bored at home. Nth to do. HAix... Hope more ppl can online sia. Thn wont be tht bored. lol Well, go liao. BBB Saturday, May 16, 2009
5/16/2009 08:49:00 AM
Sorry for not blogging yesterdae. Coz i was veri tired and slept.... So im blogging todae (: Well, yesterdae was english and chinese paper 2. Sian, dont noe whether can pass onot. Todae, had math paper 2. Did not noe how to do 1 of the question. But the rest ah, can sae quite easy larh. But not veri easy. lol FINALLY M.Y.E IS OVER!!!!! IT'S TIME TO RELAX & GO WILD. [H]-1N1 IS GONA PROOF THT............ THEY ARE HYPER. HAHAHAHA Can't wait till mondae, when sch start. The wild time. Im jux hoping tht my results will be good uh. Nvr realise it.......................... [JUX BEING RANDOM] Thursday, May 14, 2009
5/14/2009 06:05:00 AM
Todae had geog and science exam. And GUESS WHAT?!?!?! For geog, i most of it dont noe... And section B and C, i counted the blanks. Total 37 marks. WOAH!!! Damn pro sia me. Cause i noe tht i confirm will get like 30+ for geog. 30/100. But aft this exam, no more geog already, start history liao. Then science, left out blanks also. But did not calculate how much but is obvious that i will fail. Sian, still got tuition homework haven do finish.... Then later still got tuition at 7 30-9 30 Dont noe whether the teacher will come late onot......... SO HAPPY THT I DONT HAVE TO TAKE D&T EXAM :D:D Cause on fridae, after recess, i gota go doctor appointment. And i had never take D&T exam before. Cause for CA1, im not in school for some reason, so yeah, dint take. Now CA2, gota go see doctor. MUAHAHAHAH. SHIOK SIA. heheheh. I on fridae can relax liao. Coz D/V art nth to study -.-" It's all bout comp larh. So yeah, MY CLASS, [H]1N1, IS SO GONA BE CHAOTIC ON FRIDAE, AFT MATH PAPER 2 :D LOVE MY CLASS TO THE HARDCORE MAN!!! HOPE MY FRINGE COULD GROW FASTER!!!!!! When u see a shooting star, remember to wish tht my fringe could grow faster. Life without u is like a broken pencil.... pointless..... Just randomly type tht. haha. Coz im like so bored?!?!?! LOL. Blog maybe tomorrow bah.... Wednesday, May 13, 2009
5/13/2009 08:23:00 AM
Yesterdae dint blog. Sorry.... lol Got time to blog lurh, but thn ah, too lazy. Now feels damn bored.................. Just finished copying th science notes which is like onli CHAPTER 1 !@?$#%?%> PISSED OFF> lol Thn lazy to study science liao, ltr gona study geog... Hmmm......... Let me talk bout yesteradae. Was so damn HAPPY tht i hav no tuition :D So, sis ask mi to accompany her to IMM. Went there, the $2 shop, walk like 1 hour?!?!?! And guess wad? Dint buy anything in the end -.-" Then aft tht, went to bought some food and drink. Took shuttle bus to JE. The bus driver suck larh, make th wrong turn, thn hav to U-turn. Zzz.... Thn reached, i thought tht arynna ying ning and all is still in th library So, went library look for them. But cant find them. Went to find the public phone, called arynna And she sae tht she at th coffee shop. lol Aft tht went to coffee shop, ying ning also there. So go there, bought ice kachang. Me and ying ning was damn grose. HAHA. playing with the ice kachang, then it drops on the table, melted, and one by one~ th table alot of water. lol Thn aft tht went to JE lbrary, was suppose to study, but thn no mood. [dont feel like] Thn used ying ning laptop for awhile, arynna laptop for awhile. Thn soon, we went to cafe galilee to buy drink. Aft tht, arynna came to my house. Chat chat chat, play with laptop. LOL OKAY, NVM DONT TALK BOUT YESTERDAE. LET'S TALK ABOUT TODAE :D Todae, had lit and math test. For lit, i some question dont noe how to do, then write a little bit. Thn math was super easy larh. Except for th number pattern..... Math paper 1 will be damn easy. BUT>>>>>>>>>>>>> Math paper 2....... DIE DIE DIE DIE So gona die man. Haix...... Tomorrow will be geog and science liao. Im so gona fail both of th subject. URGH :@ FAILURE............. BUT I STILL HOPE THT, [H]1N1 WOULD NOT ONLI PASS BUT PASS WITH FLYING COLOURS. FLY WITH COLOURS, AND YOU WILL HAVE [F][R][E][E][D][O][M] :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D 1N1 <3 Monday, May 11, 2009
5/11/2009 11:48:00 AM
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!! Hey everyone, it's mother day :D Well, talking bout mother day, yesterdae went to taka to celebrate mother's day... Mux be thinking why celebrate so early uh. It's because my MOM hav wedding dinner todae. So yeahh... u noe. lol Hmm.... todae, went to JE library with ian, abdillah & shar.... Was suppose to study and do homework. But guess what?!?!! Obviously we dint study. Neither did we do homework. lols Aft awhile, went to cafe galilee... Thn went to walk walk walk.... Thn one by one~ Ian go home, abdillah go home. But shar came my house (: She did some of th lit homework. While mi>? Playing comp. haha Jux sae tht im lazy... Tues will be paper 1 and lit!!!! Im so gona fail lit dude...... Thn aft awhile, shar gota go.. coz she got dinner.. Sian...... SHALL POST LIKE MAYBE TOMORROW?!?!?! I DONT NOE. OKAY. NVM GTG DO MY TUITION HOMEOWORK AND TH LIT HOMEWORK IF I WERE TO NOT DO IT, I WILL BE SO DAMN DIED. AND I WILL SAE GG TO MYSELF............................. URGH!!! BUT IM STILL FRUSTRATED OVER MY HAIR. MIGHT NOT BE TIE-ING MY HAIR ON TUES. COZ IF I WERE TO TIE IT, I WILL LK EVEN WEIRD .... NVM. SHALL LET IT BE. HOPE I WONT BE ASK TO TIE MY HAIR.... KK. GO LIAO. BB Labels: HATE MY HAIR Saturday, May 9, 2009
5/09/2009 04:22:00 AM
Sorr for not blogging yesterdae.
Was sort of busy. Well, lets talk bout yesterdae. Went to cut my hair-.-" And my fringe now is so sucky larh. Im so gona pin up my fringe on tues is my fringe dint grow... Damn fed up larh. the damn fringe. URGH!!!!!! :@ Zzz.... Came back from cutting hair, use comp, chat on msn. Aft tht bath. Thn went out for dinner.... Came back, actualli wanted to blog. But my bro wants to use th comp. So, no chance yeah. lols Todae hav tuition-.-" !!!!!!!! M.Y.E has just started. Dint bring chinese dictionary and forgotten how to write th word. tried to replace it with another word. But i also dont noe how to write another word. How dumb can i be... And i wrote th wrong address. Tues hav lit and math!!! I'm so gona fail lit man. And this is like th first time im taking the 'real exam' not class test or what larh. Coz CA1 dint take. for some reason... Thn now, CA2, hav to work double hard. Coz th overall percentage is more thn the others. Well, what can i sae? Having tuition jux save my whole life. If i dont hav tuition, i think my subject is all failing. Once, got science test, i had tuition th dae before. Memorise damn hard for it.. coz tuition teacher ask mi to. And i got 17/25 Thn th next science test, dint hav tuition, and i dont study Onli got 9/25 So much diff uh. lol Although i dont like tuition but it helps mi with my study. Of coz, i think everyone hates tuition also right? If im not wrong. lols Time flies..... it had been like around 5 months in TSS. And i so love my class dude. ROCKS TO THE HARDCORE!!!! We're jux th hyper ones. [H]1n1? hahah HYPER 1N1. We all hav th disease!!! Jealous? aww.... LOL HAiz... mr lee is retiring on 30th may. And we are so gona hav a farewell party man!!! Might be buying cake? drinks? SWEETS? poppers? DECORATE THE CLASS?????!!!!!!! But well, gota focus on M.Y.E first. Still misses th days i had in primary school with all my fellow friends... Th days we play together, eat together, get into trouble together >.< style="color: rgb(102, 51, 102);">Well, shall stop here now. C'ya! TO ALL [H]1N1s, M.Y.E HAS STARTED!!! DO NOT SLACK! WORK HARD!!! ADD OIL! 加油!!! LETS ALL PASS WITH FLYING COLOUR!! I NOE WE CAN DO IT. C'MON :D Thursday, May 7, 2009
5/07/2009 01:31:00 PM
Jux now got talk to arynna.
Again.hahax Coz i bored mah, thn call her. And it's damn rare if she'll call mi.hehe Todae, D&T, aft drawing 1 damn easy thing, told mr pang, sae tht i finished, thn he go ask mi to do th paper. thn i sae dowan. lol thn mr pang talk alot. lol But i go back my sit to sleep. Damn freaking tired. Slept till the bell rang. Aft tht was math. Wrote down some notes. lols Thn, english, as usual, sort of bored~ Science, was like damn pissed off -.-" Damn her sia :@ Shan't elaborate what had happened. Chinese, slept or like rest. lol Teacher ask us to copy th note. But i lazy to copy. So i go "sleep" Nvr pay attention in class. Like no mood to talk like this. Dont noe why also..... AWWW MAN, M.Y.E IS STARTING THIS FRIDAE!!! AND FOR GEOG, I DONT NOE ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE, JUX WISH MI LUCK FOR M.Y.E HEHEHEEH HOPE MY HAND WOULD RECOVER FASTER... IT'S STILL PAIN. AND SOMETIMES, CANT REALLI TOLERATE IT. SOB SOB SOB )': Tht's all. Bb. Wednesday, May 6, 2009
5/06/2009 01:19:00 PM
Jux stop talking on the phone with arynna and random.
Lol. Before tht, was bored when reached home. Talked to arynna on the phone from like 5+ till 10. So cool uh. but got like a few mins nvr talk larh. Lol. But it's damn cool. At night, sth happen. Then arynna started talking craps and being veri !@$%^#$% And i hav to listen to her :@ HAHA. Maybe she still too over-sensitive le. And she talks like damn funny larh. all like childish thing. Then i keep laughing. haha And it's damn sick larh. The things tht arynna sae. I drinking the soup tht time, always spit out sia. Then aft tht, things settle already. All thanks to me man. im such a good person. Hehehehe.... Was so hyper on the phone. lols Talked bout friends and all. lol Then at 10, i hav to kiap the phone. coz my bro wana use -.-" Then arynna and all also need to go le. So yeah, stopped talking. lol BE VERY CAREFULL WHEN ARYNNA GOES MAD. EVERYTHING JUX BLURT OUT FROM HER MOUTH. Arynna is so gona be mad when she sees this. haha. But who cares~! Then the same thing comes out from her mouth, HAHAHAH THIS FRIDAE, M.Y.E AND MY HAND IS PAIN!!!!! HOPE COULD CONCENTRATE COULD PASS MY GEOG & LIT.... MUZ HAVE CONFIDENT~~~~~ BUT WHEN IT COMES TO THINKING ABOUT EXAMS, THE LEVEL OF CONFIDENT, DROPPED )': JUX HAVE TO HOPE THT IM LUCKY THIS TIME TO PASS..... HEARD THT THE MATH PAPER, which mr wan set it. GEOG, which mr tan, ms tan & ms chung. [i think it's spelled like this] WILL BE DIFFICULT~~~~!!!! BUT, if i could even pass my geog, i would be damn happy :D Maths, the same. Kk, shall stop here (: Bb. This blog like going to be dead. No one's tagging. URGH!!!!!! :@ TAG MANS Tuesday, May 5, 2009
5/05/2009 08:11:00 AM
Todae, dint dance. coz of my hand -.-" Pain again :@ Thn slack in the room, played game using jes phone. lols Thn [forward] Aft school, decided to stay back to do revision (: Went to SL room to find mr wan for markers, thn went to homeroom. AHHH!!!! im still confused about number pattern -.-" Thn, started doing geog, but felt damn tired, restless and unwell. So rest for awhile. Thn went to canteen. Still feeling unwell. lol Jes and shar went to buy pocky. Guess what, i ate it >.<> Sunday, May 3, 2009
5/03/2009 03:29:00 AM
Birthdae is over!!! lol
Yesterdae, 5+ Arynna, Ying ning, Brit, Yuan long, Wei han Jes, Shar, Wayne & Jeff Came my house, was like playing like siao. Then 7+, went to eat @ Bistro 103 [pasir panjang] LOL. Took some photos. Took this photo from ying ning & britz blog. lols Was sort of hyper. hahax Well, nth much to post already. Bye~! Hope my wish would come true Saturday, May 2, 2009
5/02/2009 07:45:00 AM
IT'S 1st MAY!!! AND IT'S MY B'DAE!!! WOOT~!!! Jux now, went to changi T3 jux to eat "breakfast" Then aft tht, went to east coast park to cycle. Cycle till bored~ Then return the bike, went home. and im bloggin, haha Ltr would be having dinner. Hopeing tht it woulb be damn fun:D As my friends would be coming. hehehe It's jux 1 dae & soon, it will be over )': LOL. Gona go bath le. Incase friend come already.... BYE! Labels: MY BIRTHDAE:D Friday, May 1, 2009
5/01/2009 08:59:00 AM
Jux came back from school!
Todae, english class, the teacher sott liao. Kept on scolding people -.-" Sian, math test onli scored 22/40... ): Todae got to stay back at school to go to the science centre. When going to the science centre, on the bus, Eugene go style his hair. lols At science centre, onli 1 word to describe about it. [BORED] Teacher doesn't even let us walk around the science centre... When going back, on the bus, everibody was like. Siao siao wan. lol. I think they were joking with mr wan. lols. Reach school around 5+ then slack awhile then go back... So now, im blogging. WOOHOOO!!! Tomorrow's my b'dae. yeah! Hahax. |
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